Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Hand Painting Video

Here is the link to the amazing artist who paints with his hand.

Hand Painting

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

5th grade- painting animals from observation

4th Grade Still Life

Students had the opportunity to create and set up their own still life. Students selected items to add to their table's still life and arranged items. We thought about planning a relationship among the objects in our drawings. Here is everyone hard at work. 

Thursday, September 11, 2014

2014-2015 School Year is Underway!

5th graders are drawing from observation, the students even provided our live models!

6th graders work collaboratively on Mandalas. 

1st and 2nd graders learn about Kandinsky's abstract art! 

More 6th graders Syngergizing!

Monday, September 30, 2013

Welcome Back!

We have been back to school for a little over a month. Projects are in full swing in every grade level and I am completely enjoying my brand new art room. The long awaited projector, mimio board and sound system has arrived and I have had fun incorporating interactive lessons already. The art room is starting to look a little more homey with posters and art work displayed. More pics to come! 

Last week Cedar Falls celebrated their Homecoming, we participated in dress up days at the elementary level. Thursday was dress like your favorite teacher/ student day. I couldn't help but share these girls who dressed like me! Love it. 

Keep checking the blog for updated project photos and what we are exploring this fall in art!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Art For El Salvador

I am very excited to announce that Southdale will be partnering with the UNI student organization "Art for El Salvador" and holding a fundraiser at Southdale Tuesday May 7th. Art for El Salvador started with Maria Howard and her sisters who visited El Salvador several years ago and were impacted greatly by the poverty stricken lives they saw. They wanted to help, they started to make artwork, among many other handmade things to sell at their local farmers marker in Dallas Center, Iowa.

They are currently working on raising enough money to build a school in El Salvador, a project that came from the love they had for this country, and their sister Sarah, who passed away in a car accident 2 years ago. They decided when they raise enough money, and the school is built they will call the school "Sarah's School". They moved their art sales and fundraisers to UNI when both sisters Maria and Niah started there this fall. So far they, along with other people who are drawn to this story, and are now members of the organization, have raised $8,000 to go toward the school.

When I heard about their efforts from Denise Tallakson (one of their teachers, and Mr. Tallakson's lovely wife) I was too taken with the story, and knew that our Southdale students would be too. It is amazing how this group has created art work to raise money, making art is something everyone can do, whether you think you are an artist or not. Many members of this organization arent artists, but they know making things, and selling them can help Maria and Niah soon reach their goal.

3rd through 6th grade students at Southdale will have the oppurtunity to create artwork that will be for sale at Southdale's fundraiser Tuesday May 7th, 5:00-7:00 pm. If you have questions or comments please email me. I will keep events posted on the blog to update everyone on our efforts here at Southdale. We are so happy to help, and be a part of "Art for El Salvador".

Maria, Emily and Jamie were able to come present to 6th graders this morning, here are a few photos.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Lunch Bag Art


Check out this cool dad! He draws on his child's lunch bag everyday, what a neat idea!