Sunday, January 27, 2013

2nd Grade: What's new

Near/ Far Snowman Drawings

We talked about artwork that shows depth and distance and how often artists use size to show this. We read the book "Snowmen at Night" by Caralyn Buehner, and looked for many sizes of snowmen and also the placement of horizon lines. I challenged students to show snowmen in the foreground, middleground, and background of their drawing. Students were surprised how just changing the size of their snowmen made it look like their drawing showed depth. 

Winslow Homer Seascape Collage

Students learned about the famous american artist Winslow Homer. Homer mainly worked in watercolor and often painted the sea (seascapes). We compared and contrasted 2 of his paintings and talked about how he showed mood in his work, like the weather, the waves being calm or chopping, and what the people in the paintings were doing. Then we made a seascape collage, students tore paper waves and added paper boats.