Sunday, January 27, 2013

3rd Grade: Gustave Klimt

Third graders learned about the artist Gustave Klimt. For the first part of this lesson students looked at the painting above and his most famous work "The Kiss" (which is below) and made hypothesis about what Klimt was like, just by looking at his work. Students guessed that his favorite color was gold, he was inspired by Egyptian hieroglyphs, he liked girls, he liked to use patten and design, and he liked to make realistic faces. I was shocked how much they were able to learn just by looking at these 2 paintings.

Next, students started their own work. They drew a realistic face and then added cloth or blankets around their figure. Then they started to add patter and design with metallic pencils and markers. They also added gold paper (our substitute for the more expensive gold leaf) and gold paint. 

Students seemed to make a real connection with this project and should be proud of their work.